What To Ask
Our wide range of services can handle any kind of question or task request. Below are some of the most common inquiries that Maestro personal assistants handle every day:
Driving Directions and Conditions

I am on Highway 635 heading East. Can you tell me how to get to Grapevine Mall? I am not good with directions, can you stay on the phone with me?
Phone Numbers and Addresses

I need to find the closest Starbucks to where I live. Can you connect me and text message me their address and phone number?
Buying a Car

I am looking for a 1998 528 BMW at a local used car dealership and they're asking for $14,000. Does this price sound right? Can you do a search in my area for similar vehicles?
Dining, Night Spots, Events

What is the closest steakhouse with the best rating? Can you get me reservations there tomorrow night? Send me an email with details of any events going on that night.

What's the weather forecast look like for the next few days? I need to know if I'll need to prepare for any cold weather.

When did the Space Shuttle program first begin? Can you tell me the total amount of flight days for all of the shuttles along with the distance they have travelled?
Hotel, Car, and Flight Reservations

I want to take a trip up to Las Vegas in three months for a weekend. I need you to get me two round trip flights that depart after 6 PM. I also would like to stay in a four star hotel that isn't more than $250 a night. I'll need a rental car while I'm there, so please make arrangements for it to be ready for me to pickup at the airport when I arrive.
TV Information

I want to know what's going to be aired on ABC from 6 PM to 10 PM this week. Are any of the shows playing new episodes?

I have a license number of a car that ran me off the road. Can you tell me who the car belongs to? Can you tell me the make and model of the car so I know that it's the right one?

Can you schedule a wake up call for tomorrow at 6 AM? I also need a text message at noon reminding me that I have a meeting at 2 PM.
Price Comparison

I'm looking at an iPod Touch at Best Buy and I'm not sure if I can get it cheaper somewhere else. Can you call some nearby stores and see if they are selling it for less?
News and Facts

As I was driving last night I saw a severe accident on the highway. Can you check the local news to see if there were any stories written about it?
Real Estate

I am looking to buy the house at 4931 W Amherst Ave in Dallas, TX. Can you tell me what the value of the home has been for the past five years?
Movie Information

Can you look up the highest rated opening movie this weekend and buy two tickets for any time after 7 PM? Send me a text message with the names of the director and the main cast.
Daily Living

We are going to my in-laws' 50th wedding anniversary next month. What gift is appropriate for this occasion? Can you look online for gifts that fit that category for under $300?

Tell me when the Cowboys are playing their next home game, and send me a text message me how many total first downs they have had this season.
Flight Information

Can you look up the gate information for flight arriving in DFW? I forgot the flight number, but it's coming in from Denver around 6 PM.
Email and Website Lookup

I just left the office in the hurry and couldn't reply to my email. Please load up my latest message and type a response for me.

What is the formula for the volume of a four-sided pyramid using equilateral triangles?